Are the results I am expecting aligned with the habits I am following each day?
I am Lisa Even, keynote speaker, success coach, and joy connoisseur. I help teams and people happen to the world, not the other way around!
I am Lisa Even, keynote speaker, success coach, and joy connoisseur. I help people to get more excited about life and Have Good Ripple Effect.
Follow along to hear stories of
ripple effect and joy!
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The Blog
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Stay up-to-date with the ripple effect that we are creating for teams and people across the country (and beyond)!
Our actions can spark JOY and Have Good Ripple Effect (even the little ones)!
"Inch By Inch"
To get where you are going…you need people, good connections!
Handful of spots remaining for Rising Tides 4.20.23
Let's Talk The Power Of Connection Post Covid
What do manufacturing and insurance have in common?
Join us for A Fireside Chat with Sarah Noll Wilson
Rising Tides Lift All Boats! Will we see you at our Spring Rising Tides?
It's so easy to forget that two things can be true at once.
Whether it's basketball or life, relentlessness and Good Ripple Effect are what our world needs.
Fillin’ up!
You Happen To The World, Not The Other Way Around
Celebrating our Spring Rising Tides Lunch Sponsors!
Interns Are Awesome
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Ripple effects can be small and last a very long time (sometimes forever).
Remember when I said you were my accountability buddy? Well, I'm back!
Join us to feel rejuvenated, find connection, and walk away with an awesome, freshly printed T-shirt
Chasing sunshine and adventure this spring break!