To get where you are going, you need good connections... people to cheer you on, collaborate with, share knowledge, and inspire. Rising Tides Connection Events are ALL about doing just that!
If you are an Event Planner looking to put on a networking session at your conference, team or organization looking for a great team building session, college or university looking to create a connection opportunity for students, this connection experience is for you!
“I attended a local Rising Tides Connection event as a business owner and made connections that brought over $70,000 in revenue.”
“I work in corporate and the day was jet fuel. I needed to feel inspired and re-engaged and found another leader to swap ideas with.”
“I was looking to make a career shift and found a connection that helped me land a new executive role!”

A unique in-person experience to connect, grow, and learn.
Whether it’s in a room full of strangers, building and maintaining relationships with other professionals in their industry, or even with those on their own team, networking and connection can become a powerful skillset and tool in moving work forward.
This session provides a structured opportunity for participants to learn a new way of building authentic connection through networking, and practicing those skills with one another.
Unique "coffee shop" 1x1 interactions
Attendees are put into pairs to network and connect.
After 7-10 minutes, they rotate around the room to meet additional attendees.
Participants are given a conversation model, prompter topics, and questions to utilize.
The goal is for the sessions to be fun and interactive!
To highlight the concept of and showcase power of networking and connection.
Introduce a conversation model that is easy, quick, and effective.
Practice genuine yet quick connection building.