Recently I enlisted the help of local high school students to find (and write about) Ripple Effects that were happening around them.
Having a Good Ripple Effect can come in many shapes and forms!
Recently I enlisted the help of local high school students to find (and write about) Ripple Effects that were happening around them. I love what they came up with!
Here’s Ripple Effect #1:
Seeing students take action in things they are passionate about is truly inspiring. This group of 5 Orbis innovators took food insecurity and did something about it.
Over the course of a few months the student group developed the idea of growing mirco-greens as a low cost way to provide food to families in need… And actually did it.
Micro-greens are small plants, that can be easily grown in homes or simply indoors, and are nutrient packed.
The student group reached out to local food pantries, asking if their families could benefit by take growing kits home with them, in turn reducing their food costs.
The growing kits would come at no cost to the families and would provide a healthy alternative to some families regular diets. Wow!
Talk about a positive ripple effect this group is creating.
DM if you are interested in learning more about this project and or have a project idea for Ankeny Students!