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If you were given the opportunity to present a gift to future generations, what would it be?

If you were given the opportunity to present a gift to future generations, what would it be?

For me, it would be to give them three experiences:

1. An experience where they give back and make a difference, to see ripple effect firsthand.

2. We would sit down and create a JOY list and a JOY calendar, so that they build the habit of creating JOY through the busy and stressful parts of life early (we need a little counterbalance in life!).

3. I would teach them to connect! It's the people we interact with that shape us, teach us, laugh with us, and ultimately help us get where we are going in life. Networking is powerful beyond measure!

And that's why I am always looking for ways to encourage young people to get out and build connections, make impact, and create joy!

In June, I am partnering with the Greater Des Moines Partnership on a networking event with local high school students (to build those connections) and would love your help networking with those students! Below are the details.

Event Details

On June 28th, the Greater Des Moines Partnership and I will bring close to 125 high school students together for a networking event as part of The Legacy Project: Career Ready Collective event series this summer. Part of the time will be spent networking with community members.

The goal is to create a structured opportunity for these students to practice their networking skills with community members and gain valuable career insight and advice.

This is where you come in…

• We would love community members (35-40 people per session) to come and network with students from 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. or 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. (or both) on June 28th at Principal in Des Moines, IA.

• The students will be paired with community members to network and after 7-10 minutes, they rotate around the room to meet additional community members. It’s pretty amazing how a lifelong connection can form so quickly! I have even heard of students landing internships and jobs after these networking days.

• Community members are given conversation topics to cover (i.e. share your career journey or what do you do each day) and a few questions to ask the students (i.e. what do you plan to do after high school?). The goal is for the sessions to be fun and interactive! Thanks for helping shape the future!

If you are able to help at either (or both) sessions, let me know and I will send you the sign up link with details!!


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