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It's a new month and there are 90 days left in 2023.

I got a text this morning (thanks Jess Ekstrom for the automated encouragement - if you haven't heard of her, you should) that said:

It's a new month and there are 90 days left in 2023. What's one word you want to use as your intention to round out the year?

My first thought was, only 90 days?!....and my second thought was, how do I pick a word that means: busiest, scariest, growing-est, thankful-est, impactful-est ever? I mean, is there even a word like that?!

And then I thought, what if I chose two words that describe my approach for the rest of the year: trustingly brave.

I want to be brave and do hard things, and also remind myself that all I can do is my best. Doing more and better means that you have to trust in the process, the mistakes, the growth, and the things that stretch you.

So, here's to being trustingly brave to round out 2023!


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