Still riding the waves from yesterday’s Rising Tides Connection Conference in Des Moines, IA!
I heard conversations about business, life, and everything in between.
As I was reading through the feedback forms this morning, I wanted to shout to the world….If you have idea, do it! If you have a crazy dream, follow it! If you are searching for your purpose, start searching today! Create the ripple effect of your dreams.
A few of my favorite feedback form comments from yesterday:
- I now have new ideas and connections to help me take the leap. - My cup is so full and I feel excited! - I made strong connections, took a tool to implement with my team, as well as ideas, thoughts, and suggestions to digest. The day was energizing! - The day was thought provoking and encouraging - The day was a reset I was looking for. It created time for me to think about other things outside my norm - I have connections for coaching, video production, and a small biz growth expert, can't wait to follow-up!
The next Rising Tides in Des Moines will be April 20th, save the date! Or DM me to learn more.