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A wise friend once told me…it’s learn from and not compare to.

I wrote that on a teal-colored sticky note and hung it on my computer monitor as a daily reminder. About a month ago, the sticky part of the sticky note must have worn off because I came into my office and found it on the floor. I laid the note on my desk to the right, out of sight.

A wise friend once told me…it’s learn from and not compare to.

I wrote that on a teal-colored sticky note and hung it on my computer monitor as a daily reminder. About a month ago, the sticky part of the sticky note must have worn off because I came into my office and found it on the floor. I laid the note on my desk to the right, out of sight.

And then this week, I had an uh-oh comparison moment…

I recently began working on some bigger projects with people “further ahead than me,” and as our brains usually do, the worry set in. Can I do this? Do I even know how to do this? Will they vote me off the island?

I dug that baby back out and taped it up, this time underlining the words. It felt good to flip the script in my mind to:

I surround myself with people who have more knowledge than I do, but that’s what I need to continue growing.

Comparison, I am realizing, is a sneaky little fellow and something we all deal with. What do you tell yourself about comparison?



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