A friend recently gave me some advice. She said, “If you run into someone from your past who doesn’t get it….You aren’t the same person now as you were then. They won’t get it because time has passed, and you have overcome things and done things to be a different version of you. And they are different too.”
When I decided to change careers, from healthcare operations to speaking and coaching, I wasn’t sure how people would react.
What would they say? Would they get it? Would they think I was crazy? Would they believe in me?
I have always been a bit of people pleaser (or good at accommodating others) and this was the first time I was doing something BIG for me.
I remember staring at the computer screen before hitting “post” on social media feeling like I was ready to puke.
But you know what…. Most people get it….most people still think I am crazy, in a good way….and a lot of people believe in me (Insert corny photo of me flexing my bicep, ha!)
A friend recently gave me some advice. She said, “If you run into someone from your past who doesn’t get it….You aren’t the same person now as you were then. They won’t get it because time has passed, and you have overcome things and done things to be a different version of you. And they are different too.”
She’s exactly right!
As we head into the weekend, I hope this resonates.
If you are sitting on a dream or an idea, or are worried about what people will think….I hope this gives you fuel to take the leap (big or small). If those around you are meant to be on the journey with you, they will stick around.
I can't wait to see your corny bicep photo!!