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Good Ripple Effects can happen at any level of the organization (individuals up to the CEO)

Good Ripple Effects can happen at any level of the organization (individual contributors up to the CEO)!

I’m excited to be leading a session with Banker’s Trust related to next-gen professional development and how we happen to the world, not the other way around.

During the session, we will touch on:

o How we show up matters – the intentional choices we make and the energy and attitude we bring into the room.

o Connection – the relationships and networks that make new opportunities possible and foster development.

o For those getting ready to retire - passing along valuable skills, insight, and critical thinking abilities. We don’t want to pass the torch but rather light others’ torches along the way.

o For those newer to the workforce - how are they identifying learning moments and seeking out feedback and direction?

o Workplace JOY! How do we fold enJOYment into our work

Each new season in life (or our careers) is a learning curve for us. Empowering this group to act positively in their day-to-day moments will be great!


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