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Join my Book Team!

October is a BIG month for Joy over here, because my book “Joy is My Job” will be released on October 26!

… and I learned something new about launching a book:

It needs an entire team (who knew!?)

A book launch team filled with people like you!

To throw the biggest joy-filled party a book has ever seen, I invite you to be part of the Book Launch Team!

By joining the Book Launch Team, you will:

Receive an advanced reader copy (an almost-done version of the book) in the next few weeks to read.

Leave a review online during launch week (like a Yelp review of your favorite restaurant!) – no digging around for this. I’ll email you the exact link to click on.

Grab a copy of the book during launch week – We want Joy to be Amazon's job, too! Sales help bring awareness on Amazon and encourage others to buy (“You might like this”). If you can swing it, the electronic copy will be under $5, or a print copy will be around $10-$15.

Have a special invitation to join the Book Launch Party in Des Moises, Iowa, on October 26. (if you’re game, mark that evening now! More information coming soon!)

If this excites you and has been the team you’ve been waiting for, I’d LOVE to have you on board and join us!

Simply comment “TEAM JOY!” below, and I’ll send you all the information!


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