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My secret to getting things done!

It might not be a lot of space, but these time blocks hold me accountable even if it’s just 30-40 minutes to work on my book, write a keynote speech or plan a workshop.

People often ask me, “How do you manage your time?”

My answer every time: “Time blocking.”

Between running my own business, being a mom, traveling (and now writing a book), time blocking has become my best friend.

Time blocking holds space on my calendar, sometimes even a block for downtime and rest.

It might not be a lot of space, but these time blocks hold me accountable even if it’s just 30-40 minutes to work on my book, write a keynote speech or plan a workshop.

This also creates a visual map of what’s possible! I can see what needs to be pushed into the following week. I also know that if I am not perfect, things will still fall close to in place.

It also keeps things realistic: I know I can’t start throwing too much into one time block. Each time block has its own agenda. If I need to find time for something, I need to find it’s own block.

That’s my secret. I basically play with blocks on my calendar every day!

Do you time block? Let me know!



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