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The "Good Stuff"

We've been talking as a family about noticing the "good stuff" because, as we all know, the world has plenty of bad.

Weekend Favorites...

This past weekend, the kids and I went to a local lake for a walk and a picnic. The weather was perfect and we met some great people and nature along the way.

We've been talking as a family about noticing the "good stuff" because, as we all know, the world has plenty of bad.

When I asked the kids about the "good stuff" from their day they both agreed that these were their weekend favorites:

1. The guy with a remote control fiberglass boat. When the boat came near us (and the human controlling it), we asked how big it was and he said 6 feet! My kids were stunned...from the bridge, the boat looked tiny. It's all about perspective, isn't it?!

2. Our second favorite, was the giant tree. We were trying to guess it's age...and landed on 100 years, ha! If anyone can help us figure this out...that would be great!

I hope you have some "good stuff" today and find JOY in the small moments.

Cheers to a new week!


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