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Here’s a truth about “catching up.”

Instead, lean into good habits and learn to prioritize (there are some really great books out there to read).

Here’s a truth about “catching up” that we all deep down KNOW… but don’t always believe:

You’ll never really catch up

There will always be more things. Always.

The sooner we come to terms with this, the quicker we can ask different questions.

Instead of asking, “How can I catch up on this?” ask…

”Am I prioritizing the things that need to happen first?”

Once you have this, your goal will shift to diligently working on what needs to happen next with the ability to be flexible.

(Because some days have surprise to-dos you never planned for, right?)

We often feel we must get it together and “someday catch up.”

In reality, that’s not the right approach.

Instead, lean into good habits and learn to prioritize (there are some really great books out there to read).

When speaking to groups, I often talk about this culture of “we’re gonna catch up” or “we’re so busy” to explore ways to turn that around.

No one needs to run on the hamster wheel trying to obtain an impossible goal!

Is this a mindset or culture shift you or your workplace needs? There is so much freedom (and productivity) on the other side!



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